About me

I am currently a PostDoc (Part-time) at COSIC, KU Leuven working with Prof. Bart Preneel. Link to my Thesis.

During my PhD, I have been mainly working on privacy-enhancing techniques in distributed systems, with a focus on their applications on Blockchain space. I have collaborated on multiple research papers and gained valuable experience working with global teams and leading companies. In summer 2023, I was a research intern at Mysten Labs, cryptography team.

These days, I am primarily focused on Accountable Threshold Signatures, Traceable Secret Sharing and more efficient decentralized zk proofs verification layers. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or for collaboration opportunities.


Upcoming Events

  • 2025-03-17 To present zkLogin at o1labs seminars, online.
  • 2025-03-[23-25] To attend zkProof 7 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • 2025-03-[25-28] To attend RWC 2025 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Past Events

Pls refer to CV.


  • Kiran Deep Ghosh (ISI Kolkata), master thesis supervisor.
  • Theresa Wakonig (ETH Zurich), master thesis co-supervisor.


How to pronounce my name: First name: MAH-dee (with the emphasis on the first syllable; “MAH” as in “ma” from “mama” and “dee” as in the letter “D”). Last name: Seh-dah-GHAHT (with the emphasis on the third syllable; “Seh” as in “set”, “dah” as in “dah” from “duh”, and “GHAHT” with a hard “G” like in “go” and “hat” but with a slightly more open “a” sound)