Zero-Knowledge proofs: Applications to Blockchain
You can find the slides in this link.
- Web3 vs. Web2 Challenges:
- Web3 has scalability and user onboarding issues compared to Web2.
- Limited transaction throughput in blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum compared to payment systems like Visa and Mastercard.
- Web3 has 100 million active crypto wallets, far fewer than billions of Web2 accounts.
- Ethereum Rollup-Centric Roadmap:
- Rollups execute transactions off-chain and post them on-chain to improve scalability.
- Comparison between Optimistic Rollups and zk-Rollups:
- Optimistic Rollups: Simpler technology, rely on economic incentives, 1-2 weeks withdrawal period.
- zk-Rollups: Higher complexity, cryptographic certainty, nearly instant withdrawals.
- Cryptographic Tools in Blockchain:
- Examples: Verifiable Secret Sharing, Threshold Cryptography, Multi-Party Computation, Digital Signatures, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and more.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs):
- Core properties:
- Completeness: An honest prover can convince a verifier.
- Soundness: A dishonest prover cannot convince a verifier without valid proof.
- Zero-Knowledge: No information beyond proof validity is leaked.
- zk-SNARKs are a practical form of ZKPs with efficient verification and small proof size.
- Core properties:
- Applications of ZKPs in 2024:
- Payments, DeFi, Cross-chain transfers, zkML/AI, Gaming, Identity & Wallets, and more.
- Specific tools and projects:
- zkLogin: Simplifies Web3 onboarding using SNARKs combined with OAuth providers like Google and Facebook.
- Prover networks for verifiable computation and decentralized applications.
- zkLogin: A Case Study
- Combines OAuth with zk-SNARKs for non-custodial, privacy-preserving authentication.
- Uses JWT (JSON Web Token) as a key alternative, signed by providers like Google or Facebook.
- Offers single-click, user-friendly onboarding with invisible wallets and 2FA support.
- Conclusion: Zero-knowledge proofs are key to addressing Web3 scalability, privacy, and user experience challenges.