CV [pdf]
- Ph.D. in Cryptography, COSIC, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (2020-2024)
- M.S. in Secure Telecommunication and Cryptography, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2015-2017)
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication), University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran (2010-2014)
Research Visits
I have had the chance to visit multiple research groups such as:
- Foundations of Cryptography Group, ETH Zurich, hosted by Prof. Dennis Hofheinz, 2024.
- Department of Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), hosted by Prof. Sherman S. M. Chow, 2023.
- ZK-Lab, University of Edinburgh, hosted by Prof. Markulf Kohlweiss, 2023.
- Computer Science Institute, Charles University in Prague, hosted by Prof. Pavel Hubáček, 2019.
- Python
- Rust
- Solidity
Open Source Projects
Unlinkable Policy-Compliant Signatures: Prototyping the PCS and several implementations for ul-PCS schemes. Link
Groth-Sahai Proofs: An efficient implementation for the seminal work of Jens Groth and Amit Sahai. Link
Nirvana Payment Python: A distributed implementation of an anonymous and reusable payment guarantee system. Link
Cross-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control Encryption (CD-ABACE): Proof of concept for the cross-domain access control encryption scheme. Link
Awards and Achievements
- The best proposal for the Virtual design challenge for authentication and protecting Full Motion Video system, University of British Columbia, Canada, 2019. Link
- Ranked 46th in M.Sc. national university entrance exam in Communications branch among about 20,000 participants, 2015.
- Ranked 36th in Iranian National Olympiad in Electrical Engineering among all bachelor students of Electrical Engineering, 2014.
A more updated list of my publications can be found in my Google Scholar and DBLP accounts.
- PC member: PrivCrypt 2025 and Information Security Conference (ISC 2025).
- I have served on the PETS-2025 AC-2024, CANS-2024, CRYPTO-2024, PKC-2024, IEEE TDSC-2024, LatinCrypt-2023, ACM CCS-2023, IEEE TDSC-2023, IEEE TIFS-2022, EC-2022, AC-2020, TCC-2019, and ISCISC-2018 as reviewer.
Past Events
- 2024-11-14 Cybersecurity Industry Day, Mechelen, Belgium. To give a talk in “Blockchain for all: beyond the currencies” breakout, Link to my slides.
- 2024-10-[7-9] Attended zkSummit 12 in Lisbon.
- 2024-09-[2-6] Attended Foundations and Applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Edinburgh, UK.
- 2024-08-[5-9] Attended SBC’24, New York, US. Affiliated events: Starkware Summit and Bass.
- 2024-07-[15-20] Attended PETS’24 in Bristol.
- 2024-07-[8-11] Attended EthCC’24 in Brussels.
- 2024-07-[1-4] Attended COSIC Course in Leuven.
- 2024-06-[03-07] Visited ETH Zurich, hosted by Dennis Hofheinz.
- 2024-05-[24:30] Eurocrypt 2024 in Zurich.
- 2024-05-15 Successfully passed my private Defense.
- 2024-06-[03:07] Financial Crypto 2024 in Curacao.
- 2023-12-[12:16] Visited CUHK, hosted by Sherman S. M. Chow in Hong Kong.
- 2023-12-[04:08] Asiacrypt 2023 in Guangzhou.
- 2023-10-[01:06] Mysten offsite in Paris.
- 2023-04-[23:27] Eurocrypt 2023 in Lyon.
- 2023-[02-26:04-01] Visited ZK Labs in Edinburgh, hosted by Markulf Kohlweiss.
- 2022-09-[12-16] Crypt@b-it 2022, Bonn, Germany.
- 2022-[05-30:06-03] Eurocrypt 2022, Trondheim, Norway.
- 2022-04-[13:15] RWC 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 2021-10-[17:21] Eurocrypt 2021 in Zagreb.