Public Defence


You can find the slides in this link.


  • Distributed Systems reduce the trust to single party.
  • Privacy-Enhancing Techniques enable privacy by design.
  • Threshold signatures tolerate some fraction of corrupted signers.
  • SPS enables a modular framework to design complex systems more efficiently.
  • No Threshold SPS exists.
  • NIZK is an important privacy-enhancing tool.
  • Pre-processing NIZKs, i.e., in the CRS model, require a trusted setup.
  • Universal and updatable NIZKs are reducing this trust.
  • To model these schemes in the universal composable frameworks, we need stronger notions of security such as Upd-BB-SE.

Interesting Future Works:

  • Achieve a TSPS as efficient as the initial work while as secure as the latter TSPS.
  • Extend NI-TSPS to NI-TSPS on Equivalence-Classes [2024/625].
  • Explore how we can achieve Accountable NI-TSPS.
  • Achieve Upd-BB-SE with witness-succinct proofs [2024/724].
  • Prove the Sub-ZK of existing UU-SNARKs under AGMOS [TCC’23].