TSPS: Done and Ongoing Projects


You can find the slides in this link.


  • Threshold signatures tolerate some fraction of corrupted signers.
  • SPS enable a modular framework to design complex systems more efficiently.
  • No Threshold SPS exists.
  • The first (Non-Interactive) TSPS over indexed Diffie-Hellman message spaces.
  • A TSPS based on standard assumptions.
  • We discussed TIAC as a primary application of this scheme.

Interesting Future Works:

  • Achieve a TSPS as efficient as the initial work while as secure as the latter TSPS.
  • Extend NI-TSPS to NI-TSPS on Equivalence-Classes [2024/625].
  • How we can achieve Accountable NI-TSPS.
  • Tightly secure TSPS.